Saturday, August 3, 2013

Small Update On My Dad

Hi Everyone,

For those of you that are friends with my Mom and Dad, here is an update on my Dad. As you know, my Mom doesn't hear very well,so it is easier if I do this than have her call everybody. My Dad's surgery went great and he was extubated and sitting in a chair when we left the hospital last night. Bruce got a page early this morning that my Dad was having troubles. He told the nurse that he wasn't feeling well and started having trouble breathing. His bp started to drop as well. They did a chest x-ray and found out he had air in his chest called a pneumothorax in both sides. They had to sedate him, put the breathing tube back in, and put two more chest tubes in. He is still sedated and on the ventilator, but can hear us and respond to us. They are going to slowly wean him off the vent. His surgeon was in this morning and said this sometimes can happen, but he will be fine. So, as of right now, he is good. Prayers for him are always welcome!! I will write a more in depth post once I have time.


1 comment:

  1. Pam,
    I hope your father is doing better. So much for your family to go through, but it sounds like he is expected to make a good recovery. Your parents are such wonderful people and I’ve enjoyed the stories you’ve shared about your fun times together. I loved seeing your mom’s birthday celebration and she certainly was a great sport about the whipped cream!
    I think of you often and of course sweet Lauren and the rest of you. You’re strong and will get through this, but I understand life is changed forever. I can’t imagine what you’re going through so won’t insult you and say I do. I wish the very best for you and pray for your burdens to be lifted.
    When you understand what a fine line there is between life and death every breath has more meaning. It’s sad as humans we seem to learn and grow the most from the hardest lessons in life. I often think of how much we could accomplish in medicine and science if the world was a more cooperative and peaceful place. In the end being surrounded by the ones I love is what give me the most meaning.
    There will never be another Lauren. She was an original and she was irreplaceable, but how much richer the world is because she was part of it. Take care.
    Love, Cathy & Heather
