Monday, May 27, 2013

Monday Afternoon Update 5/27/13

Hi Everyone,

Sorry I didn't update last night, but a lot was going on in Lauren's room and we didn't leave to go sleep until 12:15am. Her white blood count keeps rising so the doctors are concerned about infection. Everything they have cultured so far is negative. She was put on some strong antibiotics. They were suspicious of the big line in her groin that was hooked up to her dialysis and wanted to take it out. Last night they decided to put another dialysis catheter in her neck. Well, nothing ever goes as planned and Lauren does not like to be laid flat even when she is unconscious!! Her blood pressure took a dive and all hell broke loose. They had to give her meds to bring her blood pressure back up, disconnect her dialysis, etc, etc. They finally got the catheter in and hooked up the dialysis. She was looking more stable when we left. Gio took the night shift and said he didn't fall asleep at all until about 4:30. Sis and Bruce were up and to the hospital early this morning to visit. When I got to Sis's last night I sat on the couch and inhaled a bag of popcorn. I think I was stress eating. I was watching Duck Dynasty and fell asleep until about 3:30 and went to bed. Mark woke me up at 9 and had made breakfast. We got ready and went back to the hospital. Lauren's incision site keeps leaking fluid and the docs have been putting a stitch in here and there. Today, they decided to stitch up the whole thing. I think they had it glued before, but it just wasn't holding. They also decided to do a bronchoscope where they put a scope down Lauren's throat and look at her lungs and can also collect fluid to culture. They did it and we got to watch. It was fascinating to see Lauren's lungs on the inside. They looked pretty good so that was a relief. Lauren seems to be doing the best in terms of opening her eyes today. She is blinking now and moving her eyes more. She doesn't just give a blank stare. She is sad to look at because most of the white part of her eye is yellow from jaundice or pure red where her blood vessels have burst from fluid pressure. Poor girl has been through so much. There is no way she will even begin to believe everything she has been through when we tell her when she wakes up. Mark and Gio have to leave for home today. I know it is so difficult for them to leave Lauren, but they have to work so we can afford to give her good care. That is about it for today. Mark, as usual, is standing by Lauren's bed reading her a magazine and telling her stories. He is so good with her and loves to talk!! If anything new happens, I will let you know. Thanks for continuing to care about Lauren.


Mark and Wozer Girl (Lauren)


  1. Hi Pam,
    I’ve been checking your blog daily, but I can’t comment from my iPhone. I hope you feel the support and prayers for Lauren and your family. It’s been a long hard journey, but hopefully things will start to get easier with time.
    I’m sorry Lauren’s battling an infection and my fingers are crossed the dialysis entry spot was the cause. It’s good to know Lauren is opening her eyes and looking around more. I know you want her fully awake, but it might be a blessing she doesn’t have to remember every detail. However, I’m sure you will never forget any of it.
    My daughter had multiple complications after her surgeries so I truly sympathize. She experienced some of the same things as Lauren. I was shocked to see the whites of her eyes look so yellow. No one prepared me, but since she had a live donor it’s common. The man who donated to my daughter also had yellow eyes so they made quite the pair. Looking back I’m even more in awe that a complete stranger did this for my daughter. You’ve had your share of angels helping Lauren too!
    I’m glad you have such great family support, because that helps so much. I’m not from this area so it was just my husband and, but somehow we managed. Anyway, just wanted to touch base and let you know my thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Hugs, Cathy and Heather

  2. Thank you Cathy (and Heather. You always know the right thing to say to make me feel better.

